Ready to hit the streets with your new business idea? Join the crew of 200+ vendors selling at Farmers Market Ogden. Find the pricing that best suits your budget and review our Vendor Guidelines to get started.


Market Dates
February 1 – February 22
10 am – 2 pm
Ogden Union Station

Application Period
November 12 – December 8


Market Dates:
May 24 – September 13
8 am – 1 pm
Historic 25th Street

Application Period
Opens February 19

FALL 2025

Market Dates:
September 20 – October 18
8 am – 1 pm
300 Block – Historic 25th Street

Application Period


  • Farmers/Growers – Products sold must be grown and harvested on the vendor’s owned or leased property. Farmers must register their farm with the Utah Department of Agriculture under Utah Produce Safety requirements.
  • Ranchers/Animal Products – Products must be raised and/or butchered within 250 miles of Weber County. Products sold must meet Utah Department of Agriculture and USDA regulations.
  • Makers & Artisans – Sells items not meant for consumption and crafts them by hand. Item materials must be sufficiently modified from their original state to qualify for this category.
  • Food Artisans/Packaged Food – Sells items meant for consumption and makes them by hand. Items must be pre-packaged and sold to take home. All products must be produced and packaged within 250 miles of Weber County. We do not allow House Bill 181 (HB181) category vendors.  Cottage kitchens that have been inspected and approved by the Utah Department of Agriculture are allowed at the market.
  • Prepared Food (Restaurants, Trucks, Carts) – Prepares food or drink at the market for immediate consumption. Cooking stations must be in compliance with the Weber-Morgan Health Department.
  • BBQs – Operates an open flame. Cooking stations must be in compliance with the Weber-Morgan Health Department.
  • Non-Profits/Community Organizations –A 501(c)3 or 501(c)6 with a valid EIN.
  • Novelty Services – Provides a service, activity or engaging experience (face painting, henna, etc.)
  • Entertainment – Performs at the market and has a family-friendly act.

Winter Market Vendor Rates
Full season participation is required. All fees are non-refundable. $10 admin fee for all payment plans will be applied.

8×10 booth space – $30/day
8×20 booth space – $55/day

8×10 booth space – $50/day
8×20 booth space – $95/day

Food Trucks:
Booth/Truck space – $95/day
Additional 10×10 canopy space – $95/day

We are not accepting applications from the following:

  • Multi-level Marketing Companies
  • Franchises
  • Permanent Jewelers
  • Resellers
  • Vendors offering age-restricted products
  • Direct-to-consumer companies/independent consultants
  • Political organizations
  • Religious organizations
  • HB181 category vendors

Yes. You will choose the dates you are interested in, and if you are approved, your approval email will confirm the dates you’ve been selected for.

Please note that Winter Market and Fall Market vendors are required to participate for the full market season. Summer Market vendors may participate as a partial-season or full season vendor.

No. Farmers Market Ogden requires an application be submitted for each of the market seasons; Winter, Summer, and Fall. Approved vendors are approved only for the current season.

The following items are prohibited from the market: age-restricted items, weapons, replica weapons, tobacco, and drug paraphernalia, items that promote the use of illicit substances, and pornographic materials. 

Farmers Market Ogden reserves the right to refuse any item or vendor that is deemed inappropriate by market staff or representatives.

Yes. All vendors are required to obtain a Special Event Temporary Business License from Ogden City. The business license fee is collected as part of the registration fee and will be paid to the city on your behalf. This is part of your registration process and no other action is necessary on your end.

Vendors are required to understand and follow all local, city, state, and federal laws and regulations. All required sales tax collections and remittances are the sole responsibility of the vendor.

Before applying, all food vendors are responsible to check in with the Weber-Morgan Health Department to make sure they have all the proper permits. A separate permit is necessary to offer samples at the market. Click here to see a list of food-related permits.

Vendors selling produce, prepared, or packaged foods must have the proper permits through Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF).

The market provides you with a 10′ x 10′ booth space. You will need to provide the following:

  • 10′ x 10′ pop-up tent
  • Minimum of 25 lb. tent weights for each tent leg
  • Tables, chairs, shade/canopy
  • Electricity – generators are allowed for prepared food vendors only. Pre-approval of generators is required.
  • Signage, including a large banner or sign that says your booth name
  • Participating vendors are responsible to hold all relevant licenses and permits at their booth during the market
  • Please note that canopy/pop-up tents are prohibited at the Winter Market.

Additional space is available on a case-by-case basis. Vendors can choose additional space on their application, but it is not guaranteed. There are additional costs associated with larger spaces.